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Colleague of the month – Yevhen Duma: “You can call me DevOps evangelist”.

Yevhen works as DevOps Engineer. He automates deployment and delivery processes. In few words – bring customers new functionality when it’s ready and well tested. Also Yevhen is responsible for creating and supporting infrastructure in AWS (Amazon Web Services). What are your role in Visma? I’m helping different teams to achieve their goals. I guess […]

Yevhen works as DevOps Engineer. He automates deployment and delivery processes. In few words – bring customers new functionality when it’s ready and well tested. Also Yevhen is responsible for creating and supporting infrastructure in AWS (Amazon Web Services).

What are your role in Visma?

I’m helping different teams to achieve their goals. I guess main part is – automation and deployments. I would say that DevOps it’s more than work. Also you can call me DevOps evangelist. 🙂

You know how H.Ford paid his support engineers?

We are sure than only few of us know it. Could you tell?

Once, at one of Henry Ford’s factories, a work crew was paid for resting instead of working. This was a service crew which was responsible for the smooth, uninterrupted working of the factory’s assembly line. That is to say, they were maintenance staff. They got paid only for the time they spent in a room used for recreation. As soon as the red light in the room — which signalled a breakdown in the assembly line — lit up, the device that counted the money they earned stopped.

How long are you working in Visma?

Very close to year. I’ve started last December.

How would you describe your main objective in work?

To show modern and easier way to do hard things.

Why do you like to work in Visma?

Because of professional attitude of my managers.

What do you find the most challenging in this job?

Cool part in Visma is that you can really propose some your ideas, but you have to prepare them carefully.

Please tell us about your work experience before Visma.

I was working 7 years in Ukraine in different companies, with clients from Spain, UK, US. First as Linux and Windows system administrator, then as a DevOps.

What do you do during your leisure time?

Family and friends taking all my time after work.

What about your hobbies?

I’ve tried a lot this year. 🙂 To have running as hobby, and first time was taking part in marathon. Started to play tennis. Few times basketball.

Everything that forces me to spend time outdoors – could be good candidate for new hobby.

Your life motto?

The more we share the more we have.

What advice do you have for prospective Visma candidates?

Visma is and will be the best IT company in Latvia.

Do you want to join the best team ? 🙂


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