Doties uz galveno

He came back from Finland to do great things in his homeland Latvia. The Employee of the month Juris Vilkaplateris.

Juris Vilkaplateris is our Visma Labs senior programmer. He is an amazing colleague and a good family man. Even though he joined Visma Labs recently, he is one of the most active team members we have. He used to live in Finland for several years and we can be only lucky that he finally decided […]

Juris Vilkaplateris is our Visma Labs senior programmer. He is an amazing colleague and a good family man. Even though he joined Visma Labs recently, he is one of the most active team members we have.

He used to live in Finland for several years and we can be only lucky that he finally decided to move back home.

It is a pleasure to work together with him not just because of his serious and professional attitude towards the work, but also because of his positive and open-minded personality and his talent to see positive things all around him.

Juris has a great sense of humor and we can not deny that his communication skills are more than awesome.

What is your role in VISMA?

For the last 15 years I’ve been solely engaged with Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence development projects, where mostly I was having a position of backend & frontend developer, and typically the Oracle was used as a key technology.

No surprise that my current position in VISMA is to be a part of the team which is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining data warehouse and analytics to address customer business analysis and reporting needs.

The product that we are evolving is serving more than 40 different customers in Norway where in total are expected up to 20 000 active business users.

Why do you like working in VISMA?

I don’t like it, I LOVE it!

For the last nine years, I was in Finland and worked as a Data Warehouse Architect for the European Chemicals Agency which aspires to become the world’s leading regulatory authority on the safety of chemicals.

However, for the last few years, I was passively considering to return to Latvia but there was no compelling reason so far.

At the beginning of 2018, a new opportunity popped up on my head in the name of VISMA, where I was offered to evolve a great product, continue growth in my professional path and most important gave the reason to return to my homeland.

There are also many other positive aspects to mention, e.g., reputation of company, spacious and modern office, positive work environment, etc. I couldn’t resist.

What would you suggest to others who want to work in the IT field?

“The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.” – Fundamentals of Chess (1883) and presumably VISMA 2018.

What are your hobbies?

As number one I’d list a landscape photography which I have started due to the active outdoor lifestyle but now somehow turned more towards documentary of family’s life.

Jet skies heading to Tallinn from Helsinki South Port, 2013
Jet skies heading to Tallinn from Helsinki South Port, 2013

Nevertheless whenever it’s possible I’m trying to find a time for running, fitness, squash, fiction books (e.g., the latest one that I liked – Lexicon by Max Barry) and any place near the Mediterranean Sea.

Top view from Gramvousa Castle in Create.
Top view from Gramvousa Castle in Crete.

What is your moto?

One of the best ways to establish yourself as a professional is to do your job with right attitude.


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